ABSTRACT: Strategies for Promoting Industry-Relevant Certifications in Vocational Programs are crucial for enhancing student employability and meeting labor market needs. This study explored effective strategies for integrating industry-relevant certifications into vocational training programs. The objectives were: to assess the current state of certification integration in vocational programs, to evaluate the impact of certifications on student employability and career progression, and to identify best practices for promoting industry-relevant certifications. A survey design was employed to gather detailed data from a broad range of respondents, providing comprehensive insights into certification practices. A sample size of 300 vocational training students, educators, and industry representatives was selected using a purposive sampling technique to include those with experience and interest in certifications. The case study focused on the Federal Polytechnic, Nekede, Imo State. Findings revealed that industry-relevant certifications significantly enhanced student employability and career progression, providing recognized credentials that matched labor market demands. However, challenges such as cost and access to certification exams were noted. It was recommended that vocational institutions should collaborate with industry partners to offer certification opportunities, provide financial support for students, and continuously update their programs to include the most relevant and in-demand certifications.